Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A few more tips on relationships

Here's a few more to add from my previous post. These are just my opinion. hahahaha They may work for you or not. Whatever floats your boat. :)

Have a life of your own.

A lot of people commit the mistake of shutting people out of their lives upon getting in a relationship. They make their partner the center of their universe to the point that they sometimes become too dependent on them. What happens then if you end up loosing the person? You loose your world as well and become paralyzed.

Do your own thing. Have your own circle of friends, make plans on your own, have separate goals for your selves and be independent. Continue to live your life the way you wan it to. It is ok to make plans, goals and to build dreams with your partner. Just make sure that you also have your own so that in the event that you’d have to go separate ways, you’d still have a path to follow even if it means you’d have to reach the destination alone. You never know… someone might come along and join your journey on your way to your destination. ;)

Give without asking anything in return.

“Give and take” is one of the most popular sayings we grew up hearing. In relationships, we usually expect the other individual to give back in return whatever it is that we gave them. But we do not live in a perfect world. People may sometimes ignore the good things that we do for them. Sometimes, love if not reciprocated, is not even appreciated.

When giving, may it be an object, time or emotion, do not expect anything in return. As long as you gave it whole heartedly and with pure, honest and genuine intentions, then that is enough. Here are some quotes that you might want to ponder on, “It is better to give than receive.” and “It is better to have loved and not be loved back than to have not loved at all.”

“Don’t expect. Just hope for the best.”

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